Maximising the performances of your rooftop units to reduce energy consumption in shopping centres
ETT is a French manufacturer recognised as the leader in air conditioning by the key players of the Retail sector (such as Auchan, Leroy Merlin, Ikea, and many other brands). Eurovent certified, the ETT packaged rooftop units not only ensure thermal comfort in your buildings, but they also leverage energy performance to drastically reduce your operating costs. Made of 100% aluminium, ETT units meet the weight constraints and are highly resistant to corrosion.
The French manufacture of the ETT units make for their reliability and durability.
As a store manager or contracting authority, an engineering consultancy, an installer or maintenance technician in charge of a shopping centre, you are certainly faced with the following issues:
- Ensuring the customers’ well-being: because commercial buildings consist of several areas intended for different uses and therefore with different needs (food area, textile area, commercial gallery,…), ETT units directly treat inside air and help reduce the losses due to thermal exchanges. Your customers will benefit from the climatic comfort that underlies the pleasure of shopping. ETT places its expertise at your service by helping you choose the air conditioning system that best fits your project.
- Controlling the fresh air in your buildings (management of Free Cooling and Free Heating): air treatment represents 70 to 75% of the energy bill. ETT developed a “Free Cooling” mode for optimised cooling efficiency and a “Free Heating” mode for optimised heating efficiency using outside air. External recovery systems can also be implemented to avoid using thermodynamic circuits. Each project is unique, and we know how to identify the constraints to adapt our technology to your energy constraints.
- Reducing the operating costs: ETT has a complete command of the manufacturing process for air treatment systems with energy recovery and heat pumps, from design to production. This expertise allows us to design and include quality components for optimal reliability.
Our rooftop units can be associated with any type of diffusion system: textile ducts, rigid ducts, low speed diffusers. ETT communication system (myETTvision) allows centralised real time monitoring through a single IP address, giving technical services a permanent access to units operating data.
ETT Solutions
Greater comfort and lower energy bills
ETT designs, manufactures, commissions and maintains thermodynamic air conditioners. Those conditioners can operate as reversible heat pumps or for Cooling only, with outside air or water circulation (geothermal or water loop) as an exchange source. Eurovent certified, our rooftop units meet the requirements of Directive 2009/125/EC on the ecodesign of ErPs (Energy related Products). Our units are eligible for the French “CEE” energy saving certificate. Many business managers have already chosen ETT for different air treatment applications in shopping centres:
- Fresh air treatment to guarantee your customers a pleasant shopping experience
- Fresh air modulation according to CO2 level
- Air heating and/or air cooling
- Dehumidification of specific areas of your shopping centre (fresh produce areas)
- Energy recovery on food refrigeration for optimised energy consumption
For brand directors in the Retail sector, total cost is essential
The purchase of an air conditioning solution is only a small part of the total cost of an operating system. A survey of our various brands indicated that energy consumption accounts for more than 70% of the total cost. Brand directors, store managers and maintenance technicians for air conditioning units need to be sure of the energy performance of the rooftop units on their building. Our commitment is to provide the right solution to optimise installations energy efficiency to its maximum according to your project specificities. Careful maintenance of ETT air conditioning units helps maximise their energy performance and lifetime. Our HVAC and dehumidification systems are covered by a 5-year guarantee, parts, labour and travel (for metropolitan France only). Our HVAC and dehumidification systems are covered by a guarantee on parts, labour and travel (for metropolitan France only).
ETT Services
A whole organisation dedicated to services
Availability and responsiveness are the key words of our technical support team. Our experts are always ready to provide their expertise and find solutions. ETT is committed to customer satisfaction and support throughout the lifetime of their air treatment equipment with energy recovery. To this end, we have opted for a customer-oriented organisation and deployed a dedicated team of more than 45 people all over France. ETT Services is dedicated to providing you local and quality services in line with our sustainable development approach.
Our best guarantee: The manufacturer audit
ETT Services offers you specialist knowledge to get the most out of your installation with a service contract tailored to your needs:
- Manufacturer audit(s) in collaboration with the person in charge of the maintenance of your air handling system
- Comprehensive installation audits of heat pumps, ventilation and dehumidification systems (ad hoc and/or annual)
- Guarantee extension on your air conditioning equipment
- Refrigeration circuits tightness testing
- Regulatory safety controls (Technical Guidebook, PED files)
- Technical support
- Operational consulting
- Optimisation solutions
- Troubleshooting
Ensure optimum performance: train your teams in the operation of air treatment systems with energy recovery and high energy performance heat pumps. Better understanding of your HVAC system will enable you to manage equipment energy use to reduce the operating cost of your installation.
ETT training centre, authorised in France
ETT offers various trainings tailored to your needs:
- Operation and maintenance training
- Advanced operational training
- Custom training
Remote supervision of your installation thanks to myETTvision
The myETTvision supervision service (available on the European territory) has been especially developed to let you control and optimise your installation, remotely and instantly. myETTvision offers:
- Remote configuration: setpoints, annual operating hours
- Access to curves & data export
- Simple display of performances, comparison between current and previous year
- Equipment and data operating safety:
- Management of user profiles
- End-to-end secured exchanges
- Automatic time setting of equipment
- Data backup
Recommended ETT units
Air conditioning units for shopping centres, supermarkets, hypermarkets, commercial galleries, restaurant chains…
All our ETT units frame and casing are made of 100% aluminium and guaranteed 20 years against corrosion. Different types of autonomous rooftop units can meet the specific requirements of shopping centres:
Reversible ULTI+ R32: R32 Single flow unit (low GWP) with plug fan – EUROVENT certified
Available for Cooling only (optional)
Visit the product page
Reversible ULTI+ R32 CC+: R32 Single flow unit (low GWP) with plug fan and condensing boiler
Available for Cooling only (optional)
Visit the product page
Reversible ULTI+ R32 EX: R32 Double flow unit (low GWP) with plug fan and extraction box
Available for Cooling only (optional)
Visit the product page
Reversible ULTI+ R32 DX: R32 Double flow unit (low GWP) with plug fan and recovery box
Available for Cooling only (optional)
Visit the product page
Reversible ULTI+ R32 DESHU: R32 single flow unit (low GWP) with plug fan and dehumidification function
Available for Cooling only (optional)
Visit the product page
Reversible ULTI+ R32 RECUP: R32 single flow unit (low GWP) with plug fan and recovery function
Water recovery coil on food refrigeration Available for Cooling only (optional)
Visit the product page
Bespoke units for the Retail sector:
ETT designs units that specifically meet the constraints of Retail applications.
For more information, contact your Sales Manager